Friday, November 9, 2007

Nas retrospec', and we can all breathe again.

So I guess what he meant was 'hip-hop isn't dead...i just like the ring of the phrase, bitches'
Well I spent the evening randomly reading up on the game,
I hadn't been keeping up to date on the up and up in the world of hip-hop whatsoever.
Actually, I've been in my own little world which involves work, school a little bit of sleep and more work.
This may come as a shock (all things considered; his last few albums have flopped and he hasn't been any where close to his lyrical level in recent years) but I'm actually interested to hear Jay-z's 'American Gangster' - a mythical concept album which accounts what his life would be like had he never got into music (but then we'd never have the 8 minute freestyle...)
While catching up on the late 2007 scene (and no I still don't believe weezy has a ghost) I found this gem which captures pretty much every fucking reason I ever listened to Nas in the first place:

"I was wanting bracelets/ never had no rope on my neck..." fuck yeah.

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