Sunday, August 10, 2008

propane pain

"Early Sunday morning, a massive explosion rocked the northwest end of the city.

A propane facility near Keele and Wilson blew around 4am, and five hours later, the fires still weren't out. There are two tankers that crews are frantically working to cool."


how about placing a facility that deals with HIGHLY volatile and ridiculously dangerous substances in residential areas is exactly why Toronto is so fucked, oh and condos in the ghetto? AMAZING IDEA PEOPLE. who plans this shit, really? my cousin used to but now she's in charge of busting grow op's. AND THAT'S HOW WE RUN THIS CITY - because propane and elderly people work so well together (what they don't know can't hurt them, until it explodes...and kills some) and people who design expensive communities in ex-gov-housing areas are rad! then they bust home grown medicinals that work better than overpriced-liver-damaging pills that people all trust! awesome! seriously though people, what the fuck. the longer I live, the more I realize how ridiculous this whole thing is.

the end.

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