With all forms there stand those who lead and those who jump hoops for fame and recognition. why write on walls? the tagging - marking your name over everything like a child who wasn't paid enough attention - playing on premature feelings of ownership...a erratic nature of lame. to tag is not to own. to challenge the corporate shills who plaster their name across our public space like they own our lives, never asking permission and never paying out to those who suffer...well that could be a bit more interesting.
Ad execs, CEOs and other such individuals who make these calls (thank god their crumbling and ads are going INFO-shik) live with their children in gated communities, free from the annoying plague of our truly communal spaces. but consider this: where is our cut? wheres our information less a paycheque? who authorized this? and that it seems is what this all comes down to, authorized writing on the wall. when it's anonymous it's scary, at least to the CEOs whos market share is being compromised, and to the commission who isn't being paid off... but this attack on the status quo does little to elevate our problematic arrangement.
So tagging it seems, if not futile, is overdone. Less than effective it is a front in the fight that does as much to harm the movement as those on the other side. Effectively creating an eyesore is no feat to be proud of. When the battle is one of understanding, speaking in code does nothing to advance a cause, and no one gives a fuck what your name is. Brand yourself however you want, how about we brand some change. make a fucking move worth making, don't simply degrade the battle being waged on behalf of the legitimate.
If you want to see your name in lights, or glowing fluorescent - and that is the sole motivation - then jesus, grow some ambition, stumble across some ideals and make something happen. This is not the 60s, useless action doesn't get you a golden star in this era. conscious patterns of protest, visible contentions and a viral form that actually challenges the dominant coalition is what the scrawl has developed into. Don't try to live out the "golden age" - face it, you fucking missed out, so grow a pair and make some contribution rather than ugifying with something you think is cool cause you stole it from your vhs copy of style wars. take the product out of productive. or whatever. Just stop writing some tired letters in my neighbourhood, give me something to talk about, to be proud of, to get a fucking spark bleeding to a righouteous amount of change. Barack has black hands now, so fucking deal with it.