New Rose Hotel: Christopher Walken, Willem far sounds pretty good huh?
throw in some awkward 'techy' missed predictions, a tacky script and a horrendous plot then set the blender to flawed vision of the not-so future and you've got the shittiest film I've seen in the past few months.
I was drawn to it by the double billing of two respected actors and the ominous title, but that was sadly not enough to keep this project afloat. avoid, at all costs.
I don't remember how it ends, but thats because I fell asleep, it was that bad..otherwise I'd ruin the ending to save your soul.
On another note, this time last year the high was 15, not minus warming what happened to the deal we made? with the warming and the good times and the tropical city I was promised? asshole.
And moving even further in another direction, an Ox is just another word for emasculated bull....apparently if you rip off their balls they work harder and don't try to kill everything....could this be a viable solution for our douche overpopulation in the city? only time will tell.
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