never let another man eat your food.
in order (top to bottom)
shot 1: I took this shot just after getting off the subway at St. Pats station. (on my way record digging- ended up with some fresh Gil Scott -got to love those flying dutch.) It pretty much looks like a transformer, really it was just a collapsed set of escalators. Nat got pissed, but I stayed till I captured what I first saw in them.
shot 2 A - C: Bedroom design was a collab between Nat and I. The red/white/black with simple exaggerated pieces. The very stijl room was lit up by the sun setting so I took out my camera and this is what it caught.
'A' is the untouched version,
'B' the black and white with slight channel adjustment, and..
'C' is the selective 'trip out shot'
shot 3: The subway was leaving, I was right there. BAM it just happened. The green lines actually happened too....in real life....they just shot out of the train.....it was like the matrix...
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