Sunday, June 1, 2008

sign post

saw a matt good show last night

the man can sing, and dance, and drink.

well not so much dance, but who can anymore?
not when there's television shows devoted to it's destruction
but then, who watches tv anymore?

saw a movie last week on the state of Haiti
and man, I've never felt life to be so easy
but i suppose anything is when your alternative is to dance with the devil
who knows?

Whenever I ride the bus I'm surrounded by piss smelling cattle
all stuffed into a metal box on wheels
with a driver that hates his job but loves his wage
(except not enough to avoid striking here and again)
how many people wear adult diapers?
and why do they believe the smell can be contained?
how long are they wearing them for? I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it would be good just until you're covered in your own filth.
that's just an idea, though I could be wrong.
I saw a store that specialized in adult diapers...a fucking store - catering to nothing else but incompetence, and beside that shop, a candy rack.
If it's not piss, it's rotting teeth.
but I digress, I believe more people should take public transportation
or ride a bike
or walk
its the same song
and yeah, it's played out
but that's cause everyone would rather listen to whores on the radio
than converse with each other

this is really disorganized.

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